



Roger Ingram Be-Bop Mouthpiece Roger Ingram - Enchante ITG2012 Roger Ingram Instant Chet Mouthpiece
Renowned trumpet player Roger Ingram and master mouthpiece maker Peter Pickett have collaborated to develop this unique signature mouthpiece line. The brand new "Lead-2" and "Studio-2" are the most recent additions. Please see the descriptions below for complete details.

 Click the model name to show/hide a complete description and photo of each mouthpiece.

Ingram V-cup Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Lead Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Lead-2 Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Studio Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Studio-2 Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Be-Bop Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Jazz Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

Ingram Instant Chet Mouthpiece (click to show/hide description)

All of the mouthpieces of the Ingram Signature line are randomly tested by Mr Ingram to ensure that the playing characteristics are exactly as designed.

Ingram V-cup


To purchase any of the Ingram Signature Line Mouthpieces, CLICK HERE to go to the purchase page.

In addition to online sales at the OneTooTree website, "The Roger Ingram Mouthpiece Line" can also be purchased directly through a few select music retailers: Joy Brass of Sanada & Co (formerly Shires Music) in Ota-Ku, Tokyo, Dillon Music in Woodbridge NJ, Stewart's Music in Niantic, CT, J.W. Pepper in Exton, PA, and Pickett Brass in Lexington KY.

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